Saturday, 28 November 2015

Failure - a necessary stepping stone to building our dreams.

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

When I began my online journey, I was overwhelmed to say the least. I had no idea of where to go, what to do, or how to do it. When I simplified the tasks that I needed to do, it all became much easier. I had no problem taking action because I had broken everything down into actionable pieces. And if I didn’t know what to do, I’d ask someone, or join a training program.
It also didn’t hurt that I was determined to make it work. If you don’t have that fire burning inside of you, you should think twice about moving forward. Find your passion, and boldly go where you have never gone before.
We tend to compare our own bloopers to everyone else's highlights. Instead just start with your passion and embrace the fact it might be terrible. But the second endeavor will be better, the third even better. For me the only failure is not improving (or trying in the first place).
If we chose to do something and "failed," we received valuable feedback on what to do or not to do in the future. If we chose not to do something, we are guaranteed to be in the same position until we decide to do something about it. Failure is progress. Stagnation is what should be feared.
When I fear failure, one thing that never fails to overcome that fear is thinking about the terrible feeling of regret. Regret lasts much longer than failure, and it is a thousand times worse. When you fear failure and quit, be warned that regret will always be right around the corner.
Fear is a problem, because it can damage everything in life. It ruins our productivity, destroys our dreams, and keeps us from building what we're trying to build. Fear robs life of its joy. Any entrepreneur, world leader, business mogul, high achiever - every single one of them has experienced fear. They've also dealt with those fears, not by shrinking back, but by going forward.

What is that we're afraid of?

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